Saturday, March 28

Pulling my hair out...

so, year 12?
remember how excited i was?

scratch that thought from your brain.

lemme paint you a picture

i have 5 subjects
8 assignments due by the end of term (1.2 weeks away)

its silly

today i've been working on my characters for my media assignment

so thats why theres that random little dude up there.
he's our typical antagonist, the bully of the story
shut up, i know he has no eyes/mouth. but this is good enough.

Saturday, March 7

What should i Blog about?

i'm sitting here at my computer.
well technically it's the family computer. but nobody cares about technicalities like that.
i'm staring at the screen, with my keyboard, obviously and i'm typing away, writing a blog.
no shit sherlock
but what am i supposed to write about that will entertain the crap out of you?
i only have four followers! and i can guarantee that MAYBE one of them will actually read this.
pfft if you're lucky
so... what goes into a blog?
one's feelings or interests?
how about... funny stories about things that happened during the day?
or...this stuff
what i'm writing now
yeah... they're called WORDS

sophistication coaster ball light from CD nobody curtains
^^ they are all words too!
but... when reading them... they dont sound like someone is talking to you...
unless of course it's your japanese exchange student who doesnt understand the complicated dilema of sentence structure.
oooh big words there tori.

an update of my life: narrated by ; the infamous italic mann

  • i got glasses.
did you really? i dont think they care. in fact, they stopped reading this post waaayyyy up there at the words 'what should...'
  • i'm now stuck on crummy medication that makes me wear sunscreen and drink more water.
awww what a shame. cry me a river. drinking water is OMG good for you!
  • i failed a maths test. 15.9% out of 100.
did you even try? and stop telling the poor people all the negative shit!!!
  • i...tidied my room?... is that positive? tidied you room? so... can you see the floor now?
what an achievement! THEY DONT CARE

okay. i give up. i can't write a blog with you here!!!!
what... the people?...oh... me? wtf did i do? you created me you idiot!

then i can UN-create you aswell!
sure, you try that.
but i'll always be there.
in your head.
telling you what to think.


i'm scared :S