Hello! My name is Victoria.
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This is my face, partially obscured by a goblet (it's better this way) |
I wont pretend that this is a particularly interesting blog. It is simply where I post my thoughts, and have been doing so since my school years. Some of those old posts don't even make sense to me anymore, so don't try to ask me questions about them!
I graduated high school in November of '09, since then i have done one year of a BA and started a 3 year Bachelor of Nursing, which i will graduate from in 2013! I would love to one day own my own little cottage with a beautiful garden, working part time as a Nurse/Midwife and in my spare time i will paint, write, knit and practise photography :)
Caring for people is my passion, and whether I do that through Nursing or being a supportive friend, it is something I will never give up on.
I documented my experience of going an entire 365 days without chocolate during 2011, which can be found here: http://chocolatedeprivation.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/frilly_frocks
Tumblr: http://justanotherwhovian.tumblr.com
Flickr: http://flickr.com/idiosyncratic_elegance
DeviantArt: http://toriisanartist.deviantart.com/
LastFm: http://last.fm/user/whoviantori