Friday, July 24

*Facepalm* moments

i've had many this past week or two
from 'oh my god as if you said that'
to 'oh no i'm such a douche'

the first reaction was to the following scenario
*rippling video effect*
it's an 18th birthday party, i know everyone there except the b'day girls brother and his mates/his mates older brother
that's the guy in question, a guy who goes to university and is about 18
he's a bit pissed, which makes this doubly funny, but moving on.
i'm sitting down, flicking my phone open and closed as it's one of those slide ones and the slide tone is rad so it was entertaining me
he sits down next to me and our conversation goes something like this;
him - 'you texting someone?'
me  - 'might be'
him - 'isit your boyfriend?'
me - 'god no'
him - 'okay. i'm going to message someone'
me - 'you do that'
him - 'oh wait! i have no-one to message, maybe you should give me your number so i have someone to message'
me - *is laughing*
him - 'what?'
me - *still laughing*
him - 'you don't have to...'
me - 'no, it's okay, i will' *laughs more*

it was pretty hilarious

later that night/morning he swaggers over with a bottle in his hand (i later discovered it was vodka and orange juice) going 'do you wanna drink?' 
he then looks at me for a second, then thrusts the drink bottle in the opposite direction saying 'wai' ... do you drive?' 'how old are you?'
i just laughed and walked away, he was so drunk.

another facepalm moment happened... well i get alot. it's like my life. seriously!
there's the times i trip up stairs, the times i talk to my media teacher and he realises i havent handed anything up all year but he still gave me a C for my semester grade *shrugs* i'm cool like that :D
the time the year 11 on my bus got me some massive present from his trip to the phillipines, and i had no idea what to do because it caught me off guard, and i think he likes me, which is creepy and scary and just overall bad 'cos i'm not able to deal with that right now O_O

my mate thinks i lurve tommy (tommyboiuk1992 for any fellow DB peeps) due to the fact i missed him and one other DB-er (not mentioning his name as we're currently in a feud) so much on ski trip i might have actually cried at one point as i couldn't talk to anyone etc etc
lack of internet caused many facepalm moments for tori on ski trip
i cried, then got really angry, then got over it really quickly... which confused people

one last thing
*is excited*
it's basically an anime slash video game convention in adelaide this weekend
Amy and i are going on Sunday
Amy is my bestie and i heart her alot.
even though we're not actually besties, we just agreed that we would be over msn


Monday, July 20

I'm at WAR!

with SomeInterestingCrap from Youtube
better known as Amelia on Dailybooth
orrrrr KaleidoscopeFTW on twitter
... i admit i had to google that for the spelling

we're at war
for the aim of 100 subscribers on YouTube
and she won
but then war was back on when i unsubscribed from her
she now has 99
*EDIT* she now has 98 O_O

okay peoples, sure i want to win
but it'll take me a good 23 subscribers to beat her
don't go un-subscribing you fools!
thats just plain mean!

Thursday, July 9


i dont really
but we only have a 1980's computer with dial up internetsss
and this makes tori very angry
i shall smash something if i dont get to the internet cafe in town
like literally smash something
i need my internets
i miss stalking people on dailybooth and checking my emails without having to shove off the computer
and i miss staying up until 3AM just chatting with my uk peeps on msn

so, being weird, please email me!
 < email address removed lulz >

i need people talking to me
i dont care if you stalk me
i need the internet connection

Click here to find out more POP access for Hotmail is here!

Monday, July 6


i have less than 12 hours before i (literally) jump onto a plane and head to Melbourne, where my mates and i will run around searching for the Krispy Kreme outlets located within the terminals
buy 50 boxes as they're the best thing i've ever tasted
and, surprisingly, i love them more than i love the interwebs...which is A LOT
after stuffing our faces full of Krispy Kreme's we'll roll (as we'll be so fat) onto another plane that will take us to New Zealand XD
then everyone will have to wait for me as i get my money transferred as i'm like the only person who hasn't already done it :P

after this?
well... you'll have to wait to hear from me i'm afraid

in the mean time, if you're following me on Daily Booth, expect hilariously bad sketches of your faces to appear either in the comments or as my daily pictures over the next week
(that is if the lodge has wireless...if it doesn't i'm jumping off a ski lift and committing)
all this is 'cos i have an aim to draw all of my followers
but if you havent updated picture-wise in the past 8 weeks, i consider you dead and you don't get drawn :D

in OTHER OTHER news, i still have a major crush on that guy in my year... and if anyone from school's reading this, no i won't tell you who it is.
but i'm really trying my hardest to get over him, it's difficult, but i really could not stand it if everyone found out and this other girl got annoyed at me :S

ssoooo my tactics as to how to attempt to stop thinking about him?
watch cute english youtubers like 24/7. seriously, i've been sifting through users like charlieissocoollike, someguy090, roguebluejay ... annndddd alot of others i cant think of like RIGHT NOW.
it's kiinda working
well ... maybe
well... not really
well ... not at all

but i can hope

if i dont see you all during ski trip i'll post blogs next week day by day so it's AS IF i'm on ski trip
same with DB!
get following me on there asap!