Quite a few things have happened since i last updated!
I finished all my assignments for Uni and started studying for my exams.
Then on the 11th i had a pretty awesome birthday, with some really awesome people. Milly (pictured centre) and Alex got me Harry Potter lego, which is the first lego i've ever owned!
Caitlin bought me a TARDIS mug, and i got a lot of tea from Lana.

With my birthday out of the way i studied for my exams and finished them mid this week. Then i got a job! Exciting, i know! Two and a half years of job hunting finally paid off.
So now, over summer i'm relaxing and fulfilling a list of things to do!
As well as slowly decorating for christmas :)
This is the list as it currently stands;
1. Buy the Deathly Hallows part 2 DVD and have a Potter marathon. A proper one. Without stopping.
2. Take Alanah shopping for her Birthday present.
3. Buy a swimsuit. Preferably a pre-60s style one.
4. Actually wear it to the beach.
5. Sew a christmas dress
6. Sew a pinafore
7. Sew an early Victorian era maid’s apron
8. Read; Snuff - Terry Pratchett
9. Read; Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green & David Levithan
10. Write out christmas cards & decide on presents
11. Sort through the piles of old, year 11 and 12 artwork underneath the sofa. Bin most of it.
12. Paint at least one portrait. In oils.
13. Take a minimum of two bags of clothes to an op shop.
14. Obtain a tweed jacket for Female!Eleven costume.
15. Record another Amy Pond impressions vlog. Properly. Why is the last one on 300 views most of it is just me talking about mum being sick.
16. Finish reading; Reaper Man - Terry Pratchett, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
17. Read; Anne’s House of Dreams - L.M.Montgomery
18. Learn how to light and maintain our paraffin lamps.
19. Visit the Harry Potter exhibition in Sydney and see the wonderful Alexandra and various other people who i haven’t organised what i am doing with yet.
20. Decorate the house for Christmas. Properly. I expect there to be lights and tinsel everywhere. E v e r y w h e r e.
21. Read The Hunger Games, else be murdered when you return to Uni and you-know-who finds you forgot to read them.
22. Read the Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order
23. Clean my room