Monday, April 27

Bravo Brave Tori!

heres the deal.
Year 12? annoying piece of shit and i hate it.
and i'm a member of the following websites that distract me from my needed studies.
Blogger oh, really? i don't think they noticed. shut up italic mann
BlogTV do you even USE that site?? maybe... umm no

so, i devised a cunning plan
i've done a RogueBlueJay / Nerimon and removed the major useless distractions
except, i've gotten rid of the ones i don't enjoy
so Twitter, Facebook and Myspace
seeing as they are just an excuse to stalk people
i can't believe i'm saying this but i agree with you
the approval of italic mann yay

i didnt delete them, just changed the password
i've set a email to arrive on my birthday (the day after the last of my final year 12 exams)
with my password for these sites contained

now, before you all go 'but YOU changed it so you'll remember!!'
NO i wont, see, i literally just typed gibberish (hitting keys at random) and put a number on the end :)
then copy-and-pasted it into each of the 'new password' boxes
so even if i wanted to... i literally cannot sign in untill 11 november 2009

i have kept Youtube, Blogger, Dailybooth and BlogTV
i don't use blogtv, can't live without dailybooth and youtube and here are my escapes from the real world
i need some distractions!!

enough of my pointless ramblings,
i thought you'd NEVER shut up
yeah yeah italic mann go back in your box
i'll have you know i upgraded to bin just last month thankyou very much
ohhh you have a bin now? snazzy. go back there
stupid weird blogging girl

bye bye for now people who follow my blog
grand total of 6 people
well at least they don't complain all the time!!

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