Saturday, May 30
Letters V.S Emails
Emails; uber fast and easy to trace, you know who it's from as you cna just hit 'reply' and voilla, their email is available for all to see. however, send an email to multiple persons, or foward one on, and you email, plus that of everyone elses is displayed to the next person to read it.
Letters; more personalised than emails, written in someones handwriting (or printed from the computer if you have a stalker) they are untraceable unless you have connections in the forensic department. letters exchanged between friends, however, is a welcomed and eagerly anticipated event.
comment with your views on which you prefer!
me, i like letters, although nobody knows my address so emails is all i get
however, there are letters i do not enjoy getting, like this one for example, telling me i've failed maths.
i told you i wasn't going well with year 12, didn't i?! hmm?
wait... i didnt?
oh, well then *clears throat* i am not doing well in year 12.
Monday, May 25
I really should be doing my essay right now...
tori - so for those of you who follow me on DB would know, i have an english essay due today.
megan - ''english essays suck. they should be banned''
tori - she also has the essay due, being in my english class and all.
so we've wagged the first 5 lessons of the day to sit in the library working on our essays.
our word limit is 2000, i've done 500. *dies*
megan - yeah well i've done...194 i'm basically lying in my grave at this present time...
tori - okay, sure you have a good point there megan. and for those of you wondering, megan isnt like italic mann,
she isnt a figment of my imagination. megan is real thankyouverymuch.
megan - damn right nig :D
tori - yes, to many of the questioning people out there i say 'HA!' i do have friends! and they ARE real!
anyway, on with the blogging-ness
we have to compare two texts, this book called 'never let me go', and the worst movie of all time 'blade runner'.
okay, so it's not the WORST movie of all time, i'm sure there's one with worse camera techniques and lighting... and worse everything. but it's horrible top try and analyse.
megan - think 80s sci-fi absolute crap... its so painfull
tori - now, shut up, i know i should be working on my essay right now rather than blogging.
but, quite honestly, i can't be fucked.
ooh, shock horror. tori swore.
tori is very angry right now.
she lacketh the motivation to get off her fat arse and write her essay.
megan - u don't have a fat arse u goober :P
tori - so what?
it'll get done..
it's only due in, oh, you know, 2hours 15minutes
... i'm screwed.
megan - as am I...
Tuesday, May 19
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
why is this so? why have i abandoned you all?
all...6....of you... one of which i'm certain of doesnt actually use the internet anymore...
not mentioning names or anything
*go spam shane72's youtube with messages as to why he died*
the reason i haven't blogged for 10 days?
i don't know.
but i endevour* to invent a crazy story, y'know, like you did in primary schoo to explain that NO you didn't graffiti that girls name on the toilet wall.... or was that just me?
*(how DO you spell that word?)
okay, so straight after i hit 'send' at school 10 days ago, my teacher looked over my shoulder and decided to ask me why i was emailing in her media lesson.
i proceeded to explain that i wasn't, and i had simply been emailing my essay to my english teacher.
she then said 'but that means you WERE emailing'
'no i wasn't'
she then got rather angry with me
after this, my english teacher wanted to know why my english essay hadn't come through, as he'd talked to my media teacher who said i'd emailed it three days ago.
i then said 'oh...mustn't have come through yet...'
and ran home to actually start and then finish my english essay and send it to him... at 11 o'clock at night
after this, mum bought me a puppy.
and it ate my USB *
*well who hand-writes homework these days?
after this i was taken hostage byyy* whose bunny rabbits though it'd be fun to laser-make me into a rabbit... and yeah...
*go see that website... it's truly epic
of course, it took a good 6 days for the effects to wear off
and bunny paws are just so damn hard to type with
so, blogging had ceased for 10 days
but, YAY, tori is back and blogging again
and nothing can stand in her way.
except maybe the big green troll that lives under my bed.
but thats a story for another day kids.
P.S i lied, the real reason is i forgot
P.P.S that was also a lie
P.P.P.S and so was that.
Saturday, May 9
Life and stuff.....
truth be told?
i wont bore you with that
instead i'll rant about how other people don't shut up about how shit their lives are
honestly, be effing happy for once! would it kill you to FAKE happiness so we dont all have to listen to you 24/7?
i know this sounds cruel, but it's getting too repetitive
and they try to top anything you say
so if you say 'damn, only just got my assignment finished'
they go 'yeah well....
and they burst into tears every second day, or never want to talk to you at all because 'i'm not in a good mood right now'
if i didn't talk to people every time i was in a bad mood, i'd never talk to people at all!
because talking to people gets me OUT of the bad mood!
on a lighter note,
i was greeted with a smile this morning as i entered the year 12 locker room
from a guy
alas, it wasn't a 'yay, hi! glad to see you!' smile it was a 'OOH! have you got that disk i wanted from you?' smile.
i feel so used
silly boys
oh, and i totally dont have enough followers on here...
Wednesday, May 6
Rolling really isn't that fun
Often, I say to people, “can I roll there?”
being incredibly fit and all you can really afford to lessen your daily exercise…
Shut up you.
He’s right though, but in a way, he’s wrong
okay, sure, you keep thinking that
I will. Rolling is rather hard, and by rolling, just to clear things up. I mean the whole, rolling down a hill rolling, except, everywhere you would walk.
Rolling up stairs, for example, is extremely hard.
And uncomfortable
Where the hell are you going with this blog post?
The truth? I have no idea
Actually, I want to talk to you about something
What now?
Ummm, actually don’t worry.
Okay, I wont.
Moving on
I still haven’t completed my Flash project due to my computers increasing gayness and dying ability which it demonstrated just over a week ago.
Basically, as I’ve said before, it crashed, saving the majority of everything except my media.
I felt like throwing it through a window
Which would have been productive, as everything else would be lost then as well
Shut up italic mann, nobody likes you
You don’t even have a blog post without me
I could blog on my own if I wanted
No you couldn’t.
Yes I could.
And I will.
So today, tori did nothing, as usual. She sat around, in media, blogging instead of working, and thinking about Dailybooth and what she would do for her 100th picture.
Nope. I don’t like your blogging.
So I’m going to end this now.