Saturday, May 30

Letters V.S Emails

the supporting material for each subject is as follows ::

Emails; uber fast and easy to trace, you know who it's from as you cna just hit 'reply' and voilla, their email is available for all to see. however, send an email to multiple persons, or foward one on, and you email, plus that of everyone elses is displayed to the next person to read it.

Letters; more personalised than emails, written in someones handwriting (or printed from the computer if you have a stalker) they are untraceable unless you have connections in the forensic department. letters exchanged between friends, however, is a welcomed and eagerly anticipated event.

comment with your views on which you prefer!

me, i like letters, although nobody knows my address so emails is all i get
however, there are letters i do not enjoy getting, like this one for example, telling me i've failed maths.

i told you i wasn't going well with year 12, didn't i?! hmm?
wait... i didnt?
oh, well then *clears throat* i am not doing well in year 12.

1 comment:

lazyage said...

Emails are definatly better. i'm pov and they're free and i don't think i even know how to send a letter!

hey that sucks that you're failing math :( if you ever need help you know who's the math nerd ^_^

oh and i'll shut up soon but i just noticed your last tweet about you leaving twitter till December!?! what's up with that?

Adrian :)