Wednesday, June 24

Oh Hai Therr

7 followersss :D
haha, if i advertised my blog a bit more, perhaps i'd havemore followers.
but to tell the truth i'm not really worried whether i'm an internets superstar
new Blog-ness
I'm Lo, my mate is Meow <33
if you're into op-shopping and cute things to make with felt and bits and bobs in general
then bookmark that blog!

at the moment it's kinda dead and shizz
but it'll wake up come the end of this rather retarded year 12.
i'm rather annoyed that the entire Northern hemisphere has ended their year.
their final year is overrrr
*is jealous*
but, i suppose, it'd be weird having holidays over winter...
so for that i'm glad

speaking of seasons,
our seasons over here are as follows (in comparison to colder "normal" countries)

Summer - Up to 40 *C last year, we're aiming for 45 *C next year :D which is seen as really hot to other people
Autumn - Like Englands Spring basically, it's damp but not too bad and mostly sunny
Winter - Where i live the lowest it gets at night is like -1 *C
Spring - a slightly less hot version of summer really, rains a bit, but not much

why am i telling you this?
well, for photography i'm protraying the seasons in 6 images,
one per season individually, and two depicting the season changes between Spring and Summer, and Autumn and Winter
originally, i thought of taking the winter shots in New Zealand on ski trip, buuttt that wont work :S
so, i need ideas from...anyone!!
i've thought about waiting for a really wet rainy day and dressing my mate jemimah up in flowy dresses and fur coats and holding a cute frilly umbrella?
i'm aiming for a goddess feel, and the costume's sorted, it's how to work the background so it truly looks like winter in a part of Australia that never sees snow...


catch ya later alligator

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