Monday, October 22

Art updates

My, it has been a while since I updated this old thing!
I'd like to show you my finished nightdress, but the truth of the matter is that it isn't finished!
So i'll just dump some art stuff here :)

This is something I have been working on for ages; because I keep dropping it and then going back and trying to finish it! It's not finished yet, but this is a sped up video of some of the work I did to it on my Livestream just over a week or so ago!

This is Roxy and Calliope, from the webcomic Homestuck.
Drawn in the same kind of style that Calliope uses in the comic, and done quite quickly & very rough!

Amy  Pond, from the episode "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship"

That's about it from me as far as good art goes, you can check out my stuff on tumblr if you're interested!
Squirrel's Art (aerocave-art)

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