Saturday, November 22

Exams overdue assignments and sleep :)

this is all i'm doing lately.
my exams are on monday and tuesday. english and pure maths.
i haven't started studying for them yet.
it's currently saturday.
i haven't finished two assignments that were due yesterday because my computer 'died'
as it has a virus. :(
we finally fixed the problem...kinda...not really...
but the problem has gone away for long enough so i can finish my stuff.
now, i want to know why it is that teachers seem to want us to finish EVERYTHING in
revision week??
its supposed to be a revision week, you know, where we REVISE
but nahh, we just have to cramm revision into our heads AND finish the assignments they forgot to give us earlier :S not good i tell you!
anyway, i havn't slept much... again not a good thing.
hopefully mum has got me lollies for my exams :D
i better leave now or i'll be in shite with my rents

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