Wednesday, November 19

First Blog

so, i haven't done this before... lol that sounds a bit suss
anyways. if ANYONE is reading this, thanks for visiting my blog...thing...
i'm glad you know how this works because frankly, i don't
once i figure it all out it'll be hell snazzy..... i hope *fingers crossed*
so, i'm tori.
i'm a teenager in australia, who one day decided she actually enjoyed media in school and wanted to start vlogging (because all the cool kids on youtube did it)
and, being the ultimate conformist. decided to go with the flow.
i'm not really a conformist. but nobody is an individual
it's all been done before
oh the perils of being in modern day society.
although, seventy years ago, at that point, was modern day society
i'll stop now.
(actually i won't)
it's like me and emily say, you can't tell someone they are colour blind unless they see in black and white.
they might see red where you see blue, but you will BOTH call that colour green, and both will think it is green, because it is what you were always taught.
you, right now, might look at a colour on this page, call it orange, as everyone does, but see yellow.
but you won't call it yellow, because you have been told since forever it's orange.

you see?
we could all see the world completely differently, but call all colours the same.
:O conforming little buggers arent we?

well, thats it for now.
i have two exams next week.
if i don't study. i shall die.

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