Hello! Long time no type~
So on the 12th i went to my friend's house and we set up a massive Harry Potter themed party, and then car pooled to the cinema at 10pm ready for the midnight screening.We had pumpkin pasties, butterbeer, liquorice wands, bertie botts every flavour beans (i had a baby wipe flavoured one, wasn't all that bad really) and various other treats like cupcakes with house specific icing.
Throughout the course of the day we watched The Half Blood Prince about three times, and we all ran to the TV every time Harry went "not to mention the pincers"
Pictures are as follows;
This is Terence, and yes that is a real tattoo.
Wanted posters
The Hogwarts Tissue Express for when we went to the movie, i still have the engine :3
Pansy Parkinson cursing Harry
We set up a platform 9 3/4 for people to walk through
Couldn't be bothered waiting for tongs; WINGARDIUM LEVIO-SAUSAGE!
Mirror of Erised!
The movie was fantastic, i mean, truly fantastic! I found it really emotional and true to the book. Though, i would have liked a few minor changes; Ron to hug Harry before he trots off to his death, them to mention Petunia by name in the memories, more people on the platform at the end and for Harry and Ginny to have a proper flipping kiss! Their kiss was terrible.
The Ron/Hermione kiss was AMAZING. I am forever jealous.Get me some of that please.
Not much else has been happening in my life apart from knitting, but i'll post something separate about that either tomorrow or when i remember!
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