Those are hardly positive circumstances, and for this i apologise. I will set aside some time every week especially for you from now on, i promise.
So, today we find our heroine at her place of education with nothing much to do besides read over lecture notes for later that afternoon. The string of events that have led her to this situation are as follows;
Last night, our heroine was already feeling the stress brought so often by her studies, and decided that watching Tom Baker Doctor Who episodes was a perfect way to spend her night. After several hours of this she logged into Skype for a few hours.
Whilst undertaking these pleasant activities it did not occur to Victoria that she should check her University e-mails, but before she went to sleep she vowed to do so in the morning.
At 7:10AM this morning, our heroine found herself being awakened from a most intriguing dream about the boy she fancies. She was served hot tea and raisin toast by her mother, and at 7:30 she finally got her lazy behind out of bed to get dressed. (She most certainly should have done this sooner, but, she's not very good at leaving a warm bed)
Come 7:45AM she is running late, and has to rush to the station. Therefore; she forgot to check her e-mails.
She walks to Uni from the city train station all smiles, crunching away on an apple and humming along to her iPod.
On arrival to the floor on which her class is held, she knew trouble was afoot; She was the only one there. Of course, she was 15-20 minutes early, so she settled herself down to wait. Come 10 minutes to 9, another student arrived! All hope was not yet lost, it seemed! They became acquainted and became increasingly worried as to the whereabouts of, well, anyone. It came to 9:05AM and our heroine's new acquaintance checked the university e-mails on her phone. Only to discover that the class had been cancelled for the first week, leaving the two with 2 hours of time to waste before their next class.That, my lovelies, was my morning. I will possibly write up another post this afternoon as i have a 3 hour break after this next class before my lecture, but only if something truly interesting happens!
Oh, and, you remember that boy i was stalking last semester? I saw him again yesterday but tried desperately to avoid eye contact. I know he saw me. It was a little odd, we keep running into each other but we still have never spoken! I've decided that i am in fact a very creepy individual and i will try to leave him alone~
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