Saturday, August 22
oh... it's YOU
Wednesday, August 5
Saturday, August 1
The fun that is our Photography class, in Blog form (:
Oh hai!
We’re (Megan, Caitlin, Alex and i) sitting in photography doing shit all as usual :D
Megan – true true, we never do anything
Tori – lol
Megan - <sings> I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it </sings>
Caitlin - <sings> I’m about to lose control and I think I like it </sings>
Tori – O_O my friends arre strange. But I love them :D
Caitlin- I want to go off into my imagination right now
Alex- why?
Caitlin- because my imagination is an awesome place!
Megan- that guy riding a bat is funky! (re: a book on fairies she’s reading)
Megan – ooh look there’s victoria with her tits hanging out! (again, re: a book on fairies she’s reading)
Megan – nah, really, tori your tits are hanging out
Tori – to clarify, no they are not. And I’m sure that’s a good thing.
Caitlin – can you take me to your shack?
Alex – no! how would I do that?!
Caitlin- just eat me! Then I’ll be in your stomach!
Megan – haha! ‘she sported tenderly with him all through the night’
Tori – haha I know how funny is it!
Megan - If I had MY way, I’d sport tenderly with bryce gibbs all through the night!
Caitlin – Vicky-toria
Tori – what?
Caitlin - <giggles> ummm hows mike?
Tori - can we not talk about this?
Caitlin – my life is so boring, so I have to do something fun through your life!
Tori - yeah, but nothing ‘fun’ happens with mike
Megan – I’d let fun things happen with mike
Caitlin – how’s your stalker?
Tori – who… tommy?
Caitlin – I dunno, that guy who you were all like ‘Omigosh he’s stalking meee’
Tori – haha yeah that’s tommy
Megan – you were crying for tommy while we were away, don’t tell me he’s your stalker you fuckin love him.
Tori - <awkward silence>
Caitlin – you love being the victim
Megan - <laughs>
Caitlin – it’s like your fantasy, for you to be the victim and him… to not be…
Megan - <cackles>
Megan (to alex) – weren’t we gonna take pole dancing lessons when you got your licence?
Alex – yeah!
Megan – well hurry up and get your licence fool!
Megan – you know who I always wanted to marry? Ash Katchum. From pokemon
Caitlin - <giggles>
Megan – I just grabbed caitlin’s thigh, It was pretty funny!
Caitlin (pointing at book) – I think this guy would be hot if he was real, but he’s a cartoon
Megan – he has long hair, like bitch chick hair
Caitlin – but it’s to represent his hotness! Like that guy from the bible…ummm Sampson. OOH! He’s naked here!
Alex- Can I see?
Megan – he’s not naked. He has a fuckin blanket over his fuckin dick. You know what? If I was a cartoon character I’d root him.
Caitlin – ooh look their riding different coloured horses. So she’s the baddy and he’s the good one.
Megan – it’s a fucking cartoon … so who’s the one he ends up rooting?
Caitlin – that one <points> the one in the bushes. See, what happens; is she’s just walking around…in the woods
Megan – as you do
Caitlin – and then she see’s umm a band of elves… are they elves?
Megan – they have pointy ears
Caitlin – nooo their fairies!
Megan – look! The book says elves!
Caitlin – and so then she see’s him and it’s all like <sings> AHHH!!! </sings> love-like. And then it’s like… like,
Megan – she’s hanging onto his snake
Caitlin – let me finish the story!! So what happens, is he’s like I can’t actually be with you because the fairy queen dot dot dot whatever she is like owns him
Megan – he’s her bitch basically
Caitlin - well yeah. Anyway. Um. And then he’s like if we want to be together then theres this challenge and then pretty much she’s gonna turn me into hideous creatures and you have to prove you still love me
Tori – haha, as hideous as me?
Caitlin –SHUT UP! And then yeah…they win… and then he’s naked…I don’t know why he’s naked
Megan – because they have sex!
Caitlin – noo but they don’t!
Caitlin – ummm what the hell is with her hair? Look at her hair! Theres a clam eating her head!!
Megan –so what happens now?
Caitlin – that’s the end
Megan –buh… buh…
Caitlin –they become mortal and die.
Megan - but don’t they have sex?
Caitlin –ooh here’s another hottie. Lets read about him
Megan – he’s a chick.
Caitlin – ohh he’s not hot. Let’s not read about him.
Caitlin – OOH! This ones a good one, he’s a hottie.
Megan – I need a fuckin drink.
Caitlin – alcoholic?
Megan – yeah. I drink a work. Can you believe that? I work in a pub and they serve me.
Caitlin – I can believe that.
Megan – how old do I look with makeup on?
Caitlin – ummm 19
Megan – hmm… tori?
Tori – I haven’t been paying much attention, writing conversations down is actually incredibly hard on my fingersss )):
Caitlin – I know what victoria’s doing. She’s trying to distract us because, from from mike…because she likes mike. That’s alliteration… not alliteration, assonance, because like and mike rhyme!
Caitlin’s just kinda staring at me right now, with that evil look she has, where she wants me to tell her some juicy gossip story about my non-existant love life *facepalm*
Caitlin – non existant my bottom
Alex - WHAT?!!! I came into that conversation at the wrong time!
Megan – I wish my bottom was non-existant
Caitlin has now died of laughter. What a shame. No more questions.
Caitlin – I resurrected myself. So, hows mike?
Megan – so who’s miiiikkeee??!!!! Mike mike mike mike mike.
Caitlin - he’s written songs about her.
Tori – what?! No he hasn’t!!
Megan – Alex, who’s mike?
Alex – ahhh I dunno, just some guy on dailybooth. Tori! Why doesn’t the blur tool ever work?
Tori- - I don’t know
Caitlin – because it’s a tool! Haha!
Tori – no Caitlin. That’s not funny.
Megan - I wanna expel the fat from my body
Tori- don’t we all
Mgan – I want lypo…
Caitlin –so, victoria… <expectant look>
Megan - I wanna know who this mike character is… is he hot?
Tori - <nods>
Alex – that’s AAALLLLLL that matters
Megan – as long as they’re hot and good in the sack I’m happy.
Tori – why didn’t I just record this conversation then type it up later???
Caitlin – because you’re a goober-head
Tori – damnit!
That was the end of our lesson. Like our photography conversations?
*facepalm* Caitlin won’t shut up… I shall kill her <evil look>
- Tori
PS; Caitlin is deranged, i'm not in love with ANYONE. And me and Mike haven't even talked enough for me to say we're just mates, so he's an acquaintance. Tommy, however, haha i love that kid he's a legend
Friday, July 24
*Facepalm* moments
Monday, July 20
I'm at WAR!
better known as Amelia on Dailybooth
orrrrr KaleidoscopeFTW on twitter
... i admit i had to google that for the spelling
we're at war
for the aim of 100 subscribers on YouTube
and she won
but then war was back on when i unsubscribed from her
she now has 99
*EDIT* she now has 98 O_O
okay peoples, sure i want to win
but it'll take me a good 23 subscribers to beat her
don't go un-subscribing you fools!
thats just plain mean!
Thursday, July 9
i dont really
but we only have a 1980's computer with dial up internetsss
and this makes tori very angry
i shall smash something if i dont get to the internet cafe in town
like literally smash something
i need my internets
i miss stalking people on dailybooth and checking my emails without having to shove off the computer
and i miss staying up until 3AM just chatting with my uk peeps on msn
so, being weird, please email me!
< email address removed lulz >
i need people talking to me
i dont care if you stalk me
i need the internet connection
Click here to find out more POP access for Hotmail is here!
Monday, July 6
Monday, June 29
it helps me relax
but... to spare all of your brains maybe i shouldnt
as my pointless ramblings are surely annoying the hell out of you all
from all 7 of you, one of which i swear has lost the internet completely *cough*SHANE*uncough*
should i keep blogging?
or not?
or... only when truly interesting things happen?
maybe i should get some more follower/subscriber/clan members first?
i should so start a tori clan
so, question #1. should i keep blogging?
#2. what do i name my clan?
lovers you
Wednesday, June 24
Oh Hai Therr
haha, if i advertised my blog a bit more, perhaps i'd havemore followers.
but to tell the truth i'm not really worried whether i'm an internets superstar
new Blog-ness
I'm Lo, my mate is Meow <33
if you're into op-shopping and cute things to make with felt and bits and bobs in general
then bookmark that blog!
at the moment it's kinda dead and shizz
but it'll wake up come the end of this rather retarded year 12.
i'm rather annoyed that the entire Northern hemisphere has ended their year.
their final year is overrrr
*is jealous*
but, i suppose, it'd be weird having holidays over winter...
so for that i'm glad
speaking of seasons,
our seasons over here are as follows (in comparison to colder "normal" countries)
Summer - Up to 40 *C last year, we're aiming for 45 *C next year :D which is seen as really hot to other people
Autumn - Like Englands Spring basically, it's damp but not too bad and mostly sunny
Winter - Where i live the lowest it gets at night is like -1 *C
Spring - a slightly less hot version of summer really, rains a bit, but not much
why am i telling you this?
well, for photography i'm protraying the seasons in 6 images,
one per season individually, and two depicting the season changes between Spring and Summer, and Autumn and Winter
originally, i thought of taking the winter shots in New Zealand on ski trip, buuttt that wont work :S
so, i need ideas from...anyone!!
i've thought about waiting for a really wet rainy day and dressing my mate jemimah up in flowy dresses and fur coats and holding a cute frilly umbrella?
i'm aiming for a goddess feel, and the costume's sorted, it's how to work the background so it truly looks like winter in a part of Australia that never sees snow...
catch ya later alligator
Monday, June 8
I'm not improving
it still has the homework/assignments from about three weeks ago planned out.
the really sad thing? it hasnt been rubbed off due to the fact i STILL haven't finished those assignments
but, strangely, my teachers haven't noticed...
to some thats a good thing, but for me it's really bad as it means i dont get hassled into finishing them, therefore forget i'm supposed to be working on them...
mmhmm it IS as bad as i make it out to be
and i really should get on with that Flash animation due like, oh, 12 weeks ago...but i'm not.
and the essay due three weeks ago, and the planning for my next production thats due next week, the two essays due this week, that other essay due in two weeks, that art assignment, oh and revision for the exams in three weeks time...
but, you know, i'll be right.
Saturday, May 30
Letters V.S Emails
Emails; uber fast and easy to trace, you know who it's from as you cna just hit 'reply' and voilla, their email is available for all to see. however, send an email to multiple persons, or foward one on, and you email, plus that of everyone elses is displayed to the next person to read it.
Letters; more personalised than emails, written in someones handwriting (or printed from the computer if you have a stalker) they are untraceable unless you have connections in the forensic department. letters exchanged between friends, however, is a welcomed and eagerly anticipated event.
comment with your views on which you prefer!
me, i like letters, although nobody knows my address so emails is all i get
however, there are letters i do not enjoy getting, like this one for example, telling me i've failed maths.

i told you i wasn't going well with year 12, didn't i?! hmm?
wait... i didnt?
oh, well then *clears throat* i am not doing well in year 12.
Monday, May 25
I really should be doing my essay right now...
tori - so for those of you who follow me on DB would know, i have an english essay due today.
megan - ''english essays suck. they should be banned''
tori - she also has the essay due, being in my english class and all.
so we've wagged the first 5 lessons of the day to sit in the library working on our essays.
our word limit is 2000, i've done 500. *dies*
megan - yeah well i've done...194 i'm basically lying in my grave at this present time...
tori - okay, sure you have a good point there megan. and for those of you wondering, megan isnt like italic mann,
she isnt a figment of my imagination. megan is real thankyouverymuch.
megan - damn right nig :D
tori - yes, to many of the questioning people out there i say 'HA!' i do have friends! and they ARE real!
anyway, on with the blogging-ness
we have to compare two texts, this book called 'never let me go', and the worst movie of all time 'blade runner'.
okay, so it's not the WORST movie of all time, i'm sure there's one with worse camera techniques and lighting... and worse everything. but it's horrible top try and analyse.
megan - think 80s sci-fi absolute crap... its so painfull
tori - now, shut up, i know i should be working on my essay right now rather than blogging.
but, quite honestly, i can't be fucked.
ooh, shock horror. tori swore.
tori is very angry right now.
she lacketh the motivation to get off her fat arse and write her essay.
megan - u don't have a fat arse u goober :P
tori - so what?
it'll get done..
it's only due in, oh, you know, 2hours 15minutes
... i'm screwed.
megan - as am I...
Tuesday, May 19
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
why is this so? why have i abandoned you all?
all...6....of you... one of which i'm certain of doesnt actually use the internet anymore...
not mentioning names or anything
*go spam shane72's youtube with messages as to why he died*
the reason i haven't blogged for 10 days?
i don't know.
but i endevour* to invent a crazy story, y'know, like you did in primary schoo to explain that NO you didn't graffiti that girls name on the toilet wall.... or was that just me?
*(how DO you spell that word?)
okay, so straight after i hit 'send' at school 10 days ago, my teacher looked over my shoulder and decided to ask me why i was emailing in her media lesson.
i proceeded to explain that i wasn't, and i had simply been emailing my essay to my english teacher.
she then said 'but that means you WERE emailing'
'no i wasn't'
she then got rather angry with me
after this, my english teacher wanted to know why my english essay hadn't come through, as he'd talked to my media teacher who said i'd emailed it three days ago.
i then said 'oh...mustn't have come through yet...'
and ran home to actually start and then finish my english essay and send it to him... at 11 o'clock at night
after this, mum bought me a puppy.
and it ate my USB *
*well who hand-writes homework these days?
after this i was taken hostage byyy* whose bunny rabbits though it'd be fun to laser-make me into a rabbit... and yeah...
*go see that website... it's truly epic
of course, it took a good 6 days for the effects to wear off
and bunny paws are just so damn hard to type with
so, blogging had ceased for 10 days
but, YAY, tori is back and blogging again
and nothing can stand in her way.
except maybe the big green troll that lives under my bed.
but thats a story for another day kids.
P.S i lied, the real reason is i forgot
P.P.S that was also a lie
P.P.P.S and so was that.
Saturday, May 9
Life and stuff.....
truth be told?
i wont bore you with that
instead i'll rant about how other people don't shut up about how shit their lives are
honestly, be effing happy for once! would it kill you to FAKE happiness so we dont all have to listen to you 24/7?
i know this sounds cruel, but it's getting too repetitive
and they try to top anything you say
so if you say 'damn, only just got my assignment finished'
they go 'yeah well....
and they burst into tears every second day, or never want to talk to you at all because 'i'm not in a good mood right now'
if i didn't talk to people every time i was in a bad mood, i'd never talk to people at all!
because talking to people gets me OUT of the bad mood!
on a lighter note,
i was greeted with a smile this morning as i entered the year 12 locker room
from a guy
alas, it wasn't a 'yay, hi! glad to see you!' smile it was a 'OOH! have you got that disk i wanted from you?' smile.
i feel so used
silly boys
oh, and i totally dont have enough followers on here...
Wednesday, May 6
Rolling really isn't that fun
Often, I say to people, “can I roll there?”
being incredibly fit and all you can really afford to lessen your daily exercise…
Shut up you.
He’s right though, but in a way, he’s wrong
okay, sure, you keep thinking that
I will. Rolling is rather hard, and by rolling, just to clear things up. I mean the whole, rolling down a hill rolling, except, everywhere you would walk.
Rolling up stairs, for example, is extremely hard.
And uncomfortable
Where the hell are you going with this blog post?
The truth? I have no idea
Actually, I want to talk to you about something
What now?
Ummm, actually don’t worry.
Okay, I wont.
Moving on
I still haven’t completed my Flash project due to my computers increasing gayness and dying ability which it demonstrated just over a week ago.
Basically, as I’ve said before, it crashed, saving the majority of everything except my media.
I felt like throwing it through a window
Which would have been productive, as everything else would be lost then as well
Shut up italic mann, nobody likes you
You don’t even have a blog post without me
I could blog on my own if I wanted
No you couldn’t.
Yes I could.
And I will.
So today, tori did nothing, as usual. She sat around, in media, blogging instead of working, and thinking about Dailybooth and what she would do for her 100th picture.
Nope. I don’t like your blogging.
So I’m going to end this now.
Tuesday, April 28
I'm certain i am going to die.
The past two weeks Ive been going crazy about whether or not Im the only one in our year to not have finished anything that was due two weeks ago, let alone the stuff due THIS week!
But its all okay now, Im back at school and all the other people have barely finished things either. Except for the select few who have brilliant work ethic and have finished the assignments we didnt even know about yet.
My computer crashed yesterday morning, and all the animating Id done on my media was lost. This means starting again yayyyy. Ive got 4 of 8 voice overs on my computer. One I know is on the way, and so I still need 3. Im getting in contact with someone who will hopefully be able to do a voice over for me (the legend!). which leaves it at two people.
I need 2 girls to do voice overs for my media production, which was due like three weeks ago
[ reason number 1 that i am dieing ): ]
VEDA? Haha yeah oops
I did record one for the 27th, but it did nay get uploaded as YouTube no-likey my file. And Ive figured I didnt like that VEDA anyway so Ill be re-recording the 27th tonight when I get home, and the 28th. Dont expect any snazzy editing! I have work to do!
I certainly wont be doing any form of committed blogging or vlogging or.. slogging or whatever.
I truly have no time on my hands, and personally got bored with VEDA after day 18. But I promised myself Id finish. So I will.
[i'm dieing/failing at VEDA]
Im sitting in the senior centre during my study right now. With Lauren reading over my shoulder and quite recently exclaiming Hey! Why am I in there?!.
At lunch, some of the retarded male species in our year decided to put alfoil in the microwave. Therefore, when we went to heat our food up, and not seeing the foil, we looked back to the microwave to see small flames to the left of our food.
Wrenching open the door to salvage our lunch before it burnt a heap of smoke filled the senior centre.
[thus another reason i'm about to die, i'm going to be set on fire by the idiots of our year level]
Fun times. Our year can be so immature.
I feel like ending this as I used to end my emails when I was 14/15
Love Tori,
(Because Tori needs to be loved)
Monday, April 27
Bravo Brave Tori!
Year 12? annoying piece of shit and i hate it.
and i'm a member of the following websites that distract me from my needed studies.
Blogger oh, really? i don't think they noticed. shut up italic mann
BlogTV do you even USE that site?? maybe... umm no
so, i devised a cunning plan
i've done a RogueBlueJay / Nerimon and removed the major useless distractions
except, i've gotten rid of the ones i don't enjoy
so Twitter, Facebook and Myspace
seeing as they are just an excuse to stalk people
i can't believe i'm saying this but i agree with you
the approval of italic mann yay
i didnt delete them, just changed the password
i've set a email to arrive on my birthday (the day after the last of my final year 12 exams)
with my password for these sites contained
now, before you all go 'but YOU changed it so you'll remember!!'
NO i wont, see, i literally just typed gibberish (hitting keys at random) and put a number on the end :)
then copy-and-pasted it into each of the 'new password' boxes
so even if i wanted to... i literally cannot sign in untill 11 november 2009
i have kept Youtube, Blogger, Dailybooth and BlogTV
i don't use blogtv, can't live without dailybooth and youtube and here are my escapes from the real world
i need some distractions!!
enough of my pointless ramblings,
i thought you'd NEVER shut up
yeah yeah italic mann go back in your box
i'll have you know i upgraded to bin just last month thankyou very much
ohhh you have a bin now? snazzy. go back there
stupid weird blogging girl
bye bye for now people who follow my blog
grand total of 6 people
well at least they don't complain all the time!!
Saturday, April 25
it's like twitter crossed with facebook but with some tasty extras.
you've got the following and @reply and direct message side of twitter,
but the photo upload and photo-commenting part of facebook
moosh them together and add these brilliant things called photo-comments and you have DailyBooth
it's pretty new to the interwebs, the main users being YouTubers and Twitterites
but it's so much fun it's bound to become as popular as all the other websites out there!
with new updates arriving all the time; the live feed, posting your photos via email and much more, it's easy to see DailyBooth is the new hit-thing.
Twitter can get rather annoying once you start following too many people, and you forget who half of them are. but with DailyBooth, or DB as it's known between the members, you don't have that problem, because you can just click their username and see who they are!
I'm addicted.
are you?
Sunday, April 19
i'm doing it email-style.
i've set up this thing so i can just write in an email what i want posted as an entry.
this way i suppose i can start blogging from school as interesting things happen
(that way i remember hehe)
so, the life of tori, rather uninteresting at the moment
it's quite purely JUST homework (and animal crossing) don't judge me!
ssoooo yeah
^^ i say that too much O.O
Download it here. The new Windows Live Messenger has landed.
Saturday, March 28
Pulling my hair out...

so, year 12?
remember how excited i was?
scratch that thought from your brain.
lemme paint you a picture
i have 5 subjects
8 assignments due by the end of term (1.2 weeks away)
its silly
today i've been working on my characters for my media assignment
so thats why theres that random little dude up there.
he's our typical antagonist, the bully of the story
shut up, i know he has no eyes/mouth. but this is good enough.
Saturday, March 7
What should i Blog about?
well technically it's the family computer. but nobody cares about technicalities like that.
i'm staring at the screen, with my keyboard, obviously and i'm typing away, writing a blog.
no shit sherlock
but what am i supposed to write about that will entertain the crap out of you?
i only have four followers! and i can guarantee that MAYBE one of them will actually read this.
pfft if you're lucky
so... what goes into a blog?
one's feelings or interests?
how about... funny stories about things that happened during the day?
or...this stuff
what i'm writing now
yeah... they're called WORDS
sophistication coaster ball light from CD nobody curtains
^^ they are all words too!
but... when reading them... they dont sound like someone is talking to you...
unless of course it's your japanese exchange student who doesnt understand the complicated dilema of sentence structure.
oooh big words there tori.
an update of my life: narrated by ; the infamous italic mann
- i got glasses.
- i'm now stuck on crummy medication that makes me wear sunscreen and drink more water.
- i failed a maths test. 15.9% out of 100.
- i...tidied my room?... is that positive?
what an achievement! THEY DONT CARE
okay. i give up. i can't write a blog with you here!!!!
what... the people?...oh... me? wtf did i do? you created me you idiot!
then i can UN-create you aswell!
sure, you try that.
but i'll always be there.
in your head.
telling you what to think.
i'm scared :S
Friday, February 20
Year 12
and i'm gonna explain why
*ohhh godd why do we have to read all of this?!!*
why it's brilliant
--> everyone's so totally friendly and the people i never used to talk to, i get into conversations with
--> i feel superior with my black year 12 jumper. yet the kids on my bus still dont respect me
--> AND my subjects and teachers this year are rather awesome
why it's exciting
--> because it's my final year. i've gone through like 12 1/2 years of school...and i only have like 3 terms left until it's ALL OVER
--> i've completed my compulsory education (allmost)
--> it's YEAR 12
why it's confusing
--> a kid in the year below has decided to complicate my life and tell me he likes me. i dont like him back...but he's such a sweet kid and i can't just tell him that!!
--> half of my subjects haven't been explained to me properly... hmmm
--> i keep like... forgetting i'm in year 12...which isn't good... y'know like, omigosh i hate the year 10's! then i'll go... oops i meant year 11's... :S
why it's stressfull
--> i'm taking 5 subjects right? English Studies, Maths Studies, Media Studies, Art Studies and Photography. now, giving the exception of maths seeing as we have a great teacher, oh...and media...
well for english, art and photography. our due dates are ridiculous! the teachers forget that unlike them we dont sit around in the same subject everyday in every lesson! we can't just drop our other 4 and only concentrate on one subject!
why it's LOTS OF FUN
because it is.
Tuesday, February 10
For my Year 12 English Studies
English Studies, Victoria Gray, Year 12
Do you want to die? Do you know someone who’s been in a ‘vegetable’ or non-responsive state for what seems like a painful eternity? Don’t you think it would be kinder if this person was allowed to have their peace with the world?
Nobody wants to die. The prospect seems so frightening. However, if your quality of life was reduced to either nothing, or simple and continuous pain...wouldn’t death seem to be the better option? I believe so.
Oldies, The Elderly, Walking dictionary versions of Wikipedia, whatever you refer to them as, we all know who I’m talking about. The people who have ‘lived for ages’ and ‘know everything’. Over the past decade, the number of elderly people living to the age of 100 years has grown extremely fast. It could almost be said they’re invading. And soon the Guinness world book of records will have to heighten the record age to around 200 years.
I know one of these people. She’s 104 years old, and blames her success on the fact that she never had sugar in her tea. So go now and drink tea without sugar. I know you’ll wonder why you did it after. No matter what you might think after tasting that cup of tea, she still has her brain. She can function relatively well for a 104 year old, and doesn’t seem to be giving up on life too soon. She still remembers everyone’s name, that I love ice-skating, that I made her birthday card by hand for her 103rd and every detail of her life over the past 104 years. She lived through both wars, and now has over 80 direct family members.
You could say that her quality of life is rather high. She has much to live for, and is loved by many. But when it comes for her time to die, when she can no longer think, feel, see or hear... do you think she will be allowed to die? Allowed her right from birth to leave this world behind? Unfortunately this would not be allowed. Due to the rejection of the act of Euthanasia by 90% of the worlds government, she is not allowed to die simply because it’s kinder. If she dies momentarily, they have the right not to resuscitate her, but not to let her go to save her becoming a vegetable.
Now, it’s not as simple as, the patient cannot ask for death themselves, therefore they cannot allow themselves to be Euthanized. No, even when the patient is in so much pain they request death, the doctors cannot help them. So the only option is to give the patient enough morphine so they can no longer complain about the pain, and the overdose on morphine slowly kills them anyway. Would it not be kinder to allow Euthanasia in certain circumstances? I’m not suggesting that because older people are rising in numbers we need to cut back on a few of them, no of course I’m not. I’m simply saying, that if it’s so serious that the patient is not going to be able to continue living consciously, and it’s a proven fact that there is no hope of them returning to conscious sanity... euthanasia should be permitted.
Now, I know first hand how hard It is as a family member to have to make the decision when the doctors ask, ‘if she doesn’t make it...would you like us to let her go?’ as I’ve had to answer that question once before. So I cannot imagine the emotional pain it would cause someone who would have to make the decision that would allow a member of their family to be euthanized. I see both sides of this story. Because even if Euthanasia was allowed, then someone has to make the decision to let that person go. Either a doctor or someone who has known the patient all of their life needs to decide that this person should no longer live.
If an elderly man aged ninety, who has lived a very healthy life for the majority of his existence, suddenly suffers a major stroke that leaves him brain dead to the world. And you could donate four hundred dollars towards research or equipment that would save his life, would you do it?
But what if there is a twenty year old woman in the room next door, recently engaged, also brain dead after a major accident, but in a way not similar to the man in the room beside her. And you were told that four hundred dollars would be enough to save her. But you can’t donate to both patients. And the four hundred dollars will not suffice for both of them as they need different equipment or treatment.
Who would you save?; The twenty year old woman with another sixty years ahead of her, her fiancée sitting beside her and wondering why this has happened. Or the ninety year old man, whose wife has already passed before him, but who has over ten grandchildren he hasn’t even had a chance to meet yet. Tough decision isn’t it.
Of course, if four hundred dollars could not save them, if both of these patients wanted to die, they can not be saved. The woman’s fiancée and man’s children begging the doctors put an end to the agony that is to watch them connected to so many machines and tubes. No response or sound comes from the patient, except the constant beeping of the heart monitor and whirring of the machine which breathes for them.
That does not change the fact that these patients must continue their existence as it is, with no understanding or conscious thought as to what is happening. Because Euthanasia is not allowed, in some countries is even considered as murder, and the families and loved ones will have to watch the patients suffer as they slowly die, because the doctors have to try to keep them alive.
Victoria Gray
you all totally enjoyed reading my essay
it was 990 words...but was supposed to be 500
go me
Sunday, January 4
The New Doctor
The 11th doctor has been cast.
26 year old actor Matt Smith is the youngest actor to ever get the role!
tennants screaming fan girls will be liking that ALOT.
now, i myself am not a tennant fangirl...but i must say that tennant's jaw-line was better than the lumpy impression i get from this newbie.
sure, tennant's way too old for half of his fan base, but he dated the chick playing 'the doctor's daughter' so for all we know HE might not think so.
so, you're probably wondering why i'm writing about all of this.
haven't you heard? i LURVE doctor who!
no. not The Doctor... the Show!! lol
it's like my nerdy side that i'm allowed to show in public.
considering 20% + of my year at school are into it aswell.
stef had her locker plastered with photoshopped-images of her and tennant outside an unnaturally blue tardis. and at one point we were apparently getting badges.
who'da thought 'ey?
ahhh well.
i think this new guy will live up to the 10th Doctor's reputation. but in a completely different way.
i believe he will be such a different doctor to tennant, that viewers will have no choice but to have nothing to compare the two with.
therefore either liking him or not based on the actual acting rather than the similarities with the 10th Doctor.
with this i conclude my blog.
i reckon he'll do all right.
much love, Tori