Monday, August 15

How connected are we really?

Well look what we have here; blogging two days in a row? Madness!

So i am currently sitting on a train on my way home. I just had my regular Cocolat visit with my Monday buddies, i had another French Earl Grey tea this week, last week i tried to mix it up and had an Iced Coffee, but it was huuuuge and was all i had for that entire day so it left me feeling really sick. Tea over coffee for me, every time.

There are approximately 50 or so people in the carriage i am in, half of them have earphones in. Every time i’m on a train i can’t help get to thinking about the theory that we are all more connected yet disconnected than ever before. We spend so much time on the internet or our phones or plugged into our music players, and such little time actually interacting with other people or observing the real world. You get listening to your iPod as you walk down the street and you’re in your own world… some people get so caught up they walk straight into traffic like i saw one boy do a few weeks ago. He didn’t get hit or anything, but it makes you think. Sure, we’re connecting with people all over the world, but there is, as mum would say ‘more than one way to skin a cat’*. We were meeting people from other countries centuries before they invented the internet, they called it travelling. But, Victoria, why would i want to leave my nice warm bedroom/cardboard box/space underneath this bridge** when i can visit other countries for about $30 a month through my computer? Which is very true, we’ve traded in experience for convenience. You can’t really know what a place is like, what a person is like without experiencing it in real life. There are many things that are well suited to this kind of thing; blogs, Facebook updates about your cat being poisoned by your crazy next door neighbour, books*** and various others… but i don’t know, i just think things are far better when they are real.

Which, of course, is why I spend all of my time on the internet.
To be fair, i’ve explored all there is to explore in this corner of the globe. That and I have a degree to get through and I need something to distract me from it.

So, yes… I have had a nice Monday!


*mum actually has so many different versions of this, it is disturbing. “More than one way to kill a cat other than choking it with cream” “than feeding it aspirin and letting it bleed to death from its stomach”^

**if you live under a bridge, a) great internet reception, who are you stealing that from and b) why are you reading my blog there are so many great flash games out there that your time would be better spent on. like for example…

*** Though, personally, nothing will ever compare to the smell or the feel of a real book. Or, for that matter, a persons handwriting… you can tell a lot from a persons handwriting. (That and i just find it really interesting)

^ I am glad i am not a cat. I also hope that if i die before my mum, that i am not reincarnated as a cat within a 3km radius of her.

Hoping you are well,

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