Tuesday, August 16

I'm paying attention, honest!

I am really terrible at listening in lectures. I'm in one right now, and the lecturer is really interesting but i am just too tired!
I have decided that i need to spend more time at home studying, as well as paying attention in classes or lectures, because currently all i do at home is tumblr and facebook and general social interaction type things. This, of course, is not at all good for my studies! I'm very slow to get back into uni mode, but i'm getting there. 4 weeks in and i'm finally doing my readings, getting folders and printing off lecture notes. I have no idea what else to talk about here...

Did you know that the speed of conduction along a Myelinated fiber is approximately 150 meters a second? We're learning about the nervous system and reaction times for motor commands.

Got drenched walking to uni, decided that i probably should have accepted the offer of an umbrella from mum this morning.
Went to my Biology class, actually did work... went to Cultural Perspectives on Health and found i missed a lot when i was sick last week, and now have an entire DVD to try and catch up on so that i can actually start the first assignment.
Met up with a friend who i met last year at Uni, she continued on in the course i met her in and is now doing Printmaking electives and i think going on to be an art teacher, which is cool. I realised half way through our lunch that i hadn't even really said anything, she was just rambling on and there wasn't much time for me to talk. I didn't mind, of course, it was just odd because usually it is me who is the chatterbox.
Went to the Mortlock Wing to do some studying in the rest of my two hour break but all the tables were taken. Ended up chilling in the general part of the State Library instead. Which was better in the long run anyway as i think i'd have fallen asleep in the Mortlock Wing because it's so cozy in there!

Now i'm going to continue learning about the nervous system. After that i'll plug myself into some Frank Sinatra and saunter on down to the train station and catch a train home. If anything excited happens i'll let you know tomorrow!

Still cannot believe i am managing to post every day... wow.



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