Monday, December 15

OMG you're leaving?

... well yeah but i'm coming baacckk
oh, is that a depressed sigh i hear?
well yeah i'll be away over christmas. spending christmas day on a plane
and new years eve on a train... travelling me :D
imma go to perth. 'cos it's the only place i haven't been in Oz (major cities wise)
so... thats what i'm doing at christmas. what are you all doing?
being christmassy?
the limit of decorations in our house is the wreath on the front door.
and the only reason THAT is up is because mum doesn't want possible robbers knowing we're away for christmas....
because if you're at home for xmas. you have a wreath on your door. and a wreath on the door is like fly spray for robbers apparently.
so...what are you doing for christmas?
usually my christmasses go something along the lines of this...
i get woken up by my dad shoving a video camera in my face whilst screaming, MERRY CHRISTMAS SQUIRREL what did you get? ''dad. you'll get a big bruise if you don't go away''
why? 'because i'll hit you with this book. it's quite sharp' ... oh... i'll come back in ten minutes.
dad's been coming in to me with a video camera for the past 16 christmasses. maybe that's why i like media and youtube so much but i wont get into that now :P

after the usual (breakfast, argument, hugs?) i go on to create my traditional mass arse pile of wrapping paper and card envelopes. does no one else do this??
then we watch whatever is on TV, which coincidentally always seems to be the christmas carols sung by some religious choir.
we have a big dinner which includes around an average of 10 arguments.
then we watch miricle on 34th street and recently the polar express for some reason and go to bed.
when i was little i insisted on praying around a candle for some unknown me i'm no longer that religious.

to end this part of the blog i'd like to point out my only followers are guys...yet on youtube my videos get mainly female views...however many of my subscribers are guys...and the only people who contact me are guys...
please tell me if this is a good thing or i'm just...yeah i don't know

moving on to my new years'
they are either extremely boring. or really great.
up until i was twelve they were horrible. when i was twelve i was in hawaii for new years.
I KNOW! there were heaps of people in shorts and singlets on the beach throwing fireworks at each other (which isn't as dangerous as it sounds) and we watched the proper sky born fireworks from the 16th floor of the hotel we were staying in
my holidays always seem to be great. (i've decided to go off topic)
that holiday i was just explaining was the best. we travelled from here to england for my great grandma's 100th birthday. we then travelled to places like bath and met up with family we hadn't seen for ages.
after that we moved on to canada, toronto. we visited niagra falls and i got to skate on an outdoor rink in -20 degrees celcius. it got down to -37 in toronto while we were there. it was....cold... but not that bad really
we then travelled to los angeles where we visited disney land and universal studios. christmas day i was in disney land. :O i know!
from there we went to hawaii and went to waikiki beach and the like. which was great and....
then we came home :P

but yeah... i always have fun on holidays...
i had some 19 year old hit on me in sydney...which was very odd...
but apart from that they're cool.
this one should be no exception
i have a question.
what are all of your new years resolutions? if you're into that stuff lol
i'm still thinking of mine
last years was to sponsor a kid...haha that never happend :D
thanks for reading my surpirsingly long post
ily all xx

Thursday, December 11

Okay... so i lied

i went live again.
with rach
anyone see it?
it was kinda fun :D
we just kept kicking everyone with a '9' in their name
(on Blogtv if you dont have an account and don't give yourself a nickname, you get a number like 99325 )
so we would kick these lazy people
which was mean...but i got no spammers :D

Friday, December 5


never ever going live again
i got..spammed or whatever it was called
i say attacked but AAANNYWAYS
basically what happened was i logged onto BlogTv just to do a quick 2 minute broadcast so i could show my friend how everything worked, yeah?
innocent enough
then i start getting a whole heap of viewers. i didnt know they were all from the same website that likes to spam people's blogs :(
i start welcoming people 'till their names get so suss i refuse to call them out :@
then i am overloaded with like 30 viewers and messages so fast i cant effing read them all!! grrr
i ACCIDENTALLY gave one operator privilages. which sounds stupid but it turned out better. they then gave all of their fellow spammers operator privilages which allowed me to see. that the ones highlighted blue. were spamming me. XD i then just banned everyone who was highlighted blue from the room. simple!
course there were guests who stayed for a while. but they left once they realised i'd stopped broadcasting and wasn't paying attention anymore.
i have contacts with the site name of which they use to plan who they will spam
i plan to follow them and flag these shows.
i wish i'd have know how to save the conversationg before i refreshed the page
and i wish i had of know i could have gotten people to flag my blog while they were in there.
i emailed management but they couldn't do anything with the names i gave them without some sort of proof for all of them.
by then i had lost the convo...grrrrr

Thursday, December 4

OMG! ...

me and rach shall be recording...something... tomorrow
so in the next week expect a super duper GOOD video for once!!
i get my fast internet back soon so all the videos floating around my computer will be uploaded. though mum wants me to edit some shit out of one of them.
back to the drawing board with THAT one!
i'm thinking of doing some work with video annotations due to the inspiring 'conducting with annotations' or whatever it's called.
i found it amazing and pretty damn awesome
so i'll be wasting hours of my life doing that
i'll be live soonish....
well tomorrow (5th)
at the time it says on my BlogTv channel ... theres a handy count down thingo on there
so GO LOOK you bored entertainment craving people!!
i love you all
even those of you i don't know.....
thanks for reading and have a merry christmas etc etc

Monday, December 1


and mum now knows i post videos to youtube
it wen't something like this

(mum reads my twitter update)

Mum : what's this... ''i've been posting to youtube and mum doesn't know''

Me: haha.....yeaaahhh.... this is a good way to break it to you!

Mum : what? are you on youtube?

Me : yeeaahhh.... i am...

Mum : i'm not very happy about that victoria. although it depends on what you're posting i suppose...

Me : ohh, it's nothing bad. or weird.

Mum : well can everyone see it?

Me: not unless they feature it. people have to FIND me first...

Mum : oh... well thats okay then

Me : *Shocked look* really?

Mum : can i look at some of the stuff you're posting?

Me : uhhh yeah sure...

so that was it
utterly bewildered i sat there showcasing my YouTube videos. getting TIPS from my mum for things she didn't like or thought could be made funnier
she LAUGHED (that's right, truly laughed) at the jokes i had intwined and genuinely doubled over with laughter when seeing herself on YouTube
(i still feel that it's some sort of personal joke from her past, because, to me, it's funny...but not as funny as it seems to be to her...)

progress much

well i just joined BlogTv
i'm yet to tell my mother (whom is sitting beside me lol) that i've been on YouTube for the past month
telling dad will be easy. wait till he's had a couple of drinks and presto ur fine
but telling mum... weellll she never wanted me on YouTube in the first place
but hey, through the experience ... kind of...
if i dont post soon believe me to be dead.

or banned from the internet.